
SOC 420 First paper 2013 Winter: The Present Survival Relying on Future Death: The Sales Effort and Monopolistic Capitalism

Xiaorui Huang
SOC 420 Political Economy
First Paper
Instructor: Prof. John Foster
Grade: A+

The Present Survival Relying on Future Death:
The Sales Effort and Monopolistic Capitalism
With capitalism reaches maturity and monopolistic economy replacing competitive economy, the tendency for the surplus to rise becomes the principle. In this phase of capitalism, normal production and consumption mode can no longer generate enough outlets for increasing surplus, which is the root for stagnation of capitalist economy. As a result, idle capital concentrates in a few hands; productive capacity is far from fully utilized, and the whole economy suffers from chronic stagnation. The sales effort is one of the approaches developed by capitalists to stimulate demand for consumption, drive investments, and absorb surplus. According to Baran and Sweezy, sales effort is one of the most powerful factors that shape economy and other social institutions (115).
A side effect of the sales effort as a method to drive surplus absorption is the wasteful utilization of resources, which becomes increasingly significant in a long term. I argue that while it counteracts chronic stagnation of monopolistic capitalism, the sales effort will lead to depletion of natural resources and pose an ultimate threat of capitalist economy. In addition, with research and development being compromised by the sales efforts, technological progress is very unlikely to help transcend the limits of natural resources and save capitalist economy. Therefore, paradoxically, the capitalist economy replies on the sales effort, a surplus-absorption mode that will ultimately lead its death, to temporarily maintain its existence.

The Sales Effort Causes Wasteful Utilization of Resources
The sales effort under monopolistic capitalism both upsizes and speeds up the flow of goods from production phase to consumption phase, which introduces significant wasteful utilization of resources. Here I analyze three ways (although there are many others) that sales effort causes and accelerates wastes of resources.
First, the sales effort subdivides people’s needs and desires, and reduces people’s tolerance of using one product for multiple purposes. Baran and Sweezy argues that oligopolistic corporations use advertisements to “establish and maintain a pronounced difference between their products and those of their competitors” (116). One way of doing this is to subdivide people’s needs and desires and artificially create different “niches” for products with overlapping functions. A quintessential example is cosmetic products. Take lip make-up products for instances: originally a lipstick satisfies almost all needs; then cosmetic industry through advertisements introduces lip liners, lip plumper, lip balms, and lip-glosses, etc., each allegedly satisfy a unique need and is both indispensable and irreplaceable. Consumers are persuaded to buy all of them, even though there is actually great overlap of their functions. As a result, consumers demand more than what they actually need, which leads to unnecessary high level of production and resources exploitation. In this sense, by intentionally subdividing people’s needs and desires, sales efforts lead to wasteful utilization of natural resources.
Another way that sales efforts cause wasteful utilization of resources is discouraging shared use among people. For example, housing industry cites child psychologists and claims that each child needs a private room to develop individuality (Robbins 22). This advertisement discourages parents to share bedroom with children or children share bedrooms with their siblings. While the scientific validity of this advertisement remained unverified, consumers are likely to be swayed by it and tend to build or buy bigger houses, which inevitably increase unnecessary consumption as well as resource utilization.
Thirdly, the sales efforts also accelerate wasteful resource utilization through bringing future needs and desire to present, which consists two elements. First, the advertising industry creates constantly changeable fashions and encourages people to pursue these fashions. This encourages consumers to keep buying new and “fashionable” stuff to replace older ones before they wear out. In other word, the future need to replace a product after its use value depletes is replaced by a much temporally nearer need to buy new stuff when older ones’ “fashion value” deplete. Second, the “selling” industry employs credit system to enable consumers to use their future purchasing power to buy goods at present time. Since consumers’ demands are only valid if they actually make the purchase, the credit system virtually brings future needs of people to present. Both elements combined speed up the flow of goods from production to consumption. Considering the fact that such a flow involves wasteful utilization of natural resources, the sales effort accelerates the wasteful utilization created by itself.
Generally, while it can boost demand for consumption and counteract the tendency of stagnation of monopolistic capitalism, the sales effort causes and accelerates the wasteful utilization of natural resources.

Wasteful Utilization of Resources Poses An Ultimate Threat to Monopolistic Capitalism
Baran and Sweezy do recognize massive waste of natural resources as a negative impact of the sales effort; however, with their main focus on political economy, they appear to underestimate the significance of wasteful utilization of resources. They claim that “there is of course a waste of resources in such cases (i.e. the sales effort drives investment that would not take place otherwise); but in the presence of unemployment and idle capacity, these resources would have otherwise remained unutilized” (127). In this argument, Baran and Sweezy seem to indicate that unutilized resources are negative to economy, which is rather short-sighted as they fail to consider unutilized resources as necessary reserve for future development in a world with limited resources.
In my perspective, in a long term, the wasteful utilization of resources introduced by the sales effort is as significant as its political-economic function of increasing aggregate effective demand. Furthermore, while the sales effort counteracts stagnation of monopolistic capitalism, it poses an ultimate threat to monopolistic capitalism.
In the face of various global environmental issues including energy crisis and global warming, the waste of resources introduced by sales efforts have gradually manifested as a significant concern that threat almost all aspects of social lives. As the sales effort becomes an integral part of monopolistic capitalism, economy is increasingly dependent on it for surplus absorption. However, the limits of natural resources determine the unsustainability of such a surplus absorption mode.  If no intervention occurs, the final stage of a monopolistic capitalism relying on the sales effort will probably be a phase of a very high demand for consumption and very low level of production that, due to resource depletion, is far from satisfies the. Great social upheaval is foreseeable in this circumstance. Of course, when the shortage of natural resources threats the ruling class, it may take measures to adapt to it. Perhaps the sales effort will be largely cut off and frugality be promoted among lower classes. In other words, lower classes will experience a great contrast between the previously consumerist lifestyle and the later shortage of living necessities. In this case, the ruling bourgeois is likely to have difficulties keeping the lower classes under control without triggering a revolution that overthrows capitalism. In this sense, the sales efforts poses an ultimate threat to monopolistic capitalism by making it depends on wasteful utilization of natural resources and leading it to a revolution triggered by depletion of resources. However, different from the communist utopia in Marxist theory, the sales effort will leave the post-capitalist society with a world of resources shortage, which, if anything, is a dystopia. 

Inability of Technological Progress under Monopolistic Capitalism to Transcend Limits of Natural Resources
Some may argues that technological advance could solve the problem of limited natural resources and enable monopolistic capitalism continue to exist and develop with the help of the sales effort, which is highly questionable. Although human creativity and the resulted technological progress have contributed greatly to the development of human civilization, it is doubtful, if not impossible, for technological advancement to help mankind transcend the ultimate limits of natural resources. Even if there existed an ideal technological level that could help human transcend the limits of natural resources, it is unlikely to happen under monopolistic capitalism. This is because the research and development sector as a whole is penetrated and undermined by the sales effort, as discussed by Baran and Sweezy (94-95, 129-130). Specifically, the goal of capitalists who have financial capability to invest in technological research is maximizing profits, which, in monopolistic capitalism, make them favor profit-oriented researches over researches for real technological advancement. In other words, technological research in monopolistic economy is compromised to be part of profit maximizing strategies. According to Baran and Sweezy, monopolistic capitalism slows down both the introduction of innovations and the replacement of older technologies by newer ones (94-95). Moreover, through their political power, capitalists often intervene in governmental research on new technologies that may threat their profits. An example is Big Oil’s lobbies that successfully keep governmental research funding on renewable energy much lower than the subsidies to oil corporations. Thus, technological researches for real advancement in both private and public sectors are suppressed in monopolistic capitalism. Therefore, it is highly unlikely for technological progress under monopolistic capitalism to help human beings transcend limits of natural resources and save monopolistic capitalism.

While the sales effort is considered effective in counteracting chronic stagnation of monopolistic capitalism, its side effect of wasteful utilization of natural resources poses an ultimate threat to capitalist economy. Specifically, the sales effort leads the monopolistic capitalism depending on it to an anti-capitalism revolution triggered by depletion of resources. In addition, with research and development being compromised by the sales efforts, technological progress is very unlikely to help transcend the limits of natural resources and save capitalist economy. By and large, the capitalist economy replies on the sales effort, a surplus-absorption mode that will ultimately lead its death, to temporarily maintain its existence. Such a paradox reaffirms Baran and Sweezy’s conclusion that capitalism is not a “socially necessary economic system” (141).

Work Cited

Baran, Paul A., and Paul M. Sweezy. Monopoly capital. N.Y.: Monthly Review Press, 1966. Print.

Robbins, Richard H.. "Constructing the Consumer." Global problems and the culture of capitalism. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 11-31. Print.

